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October 26, 2008

Texas Sheet Cake

So about a week ago my husbands cousin emailed and asked me if I had a recipe for Texas Sheet Cake. Now I've lived in Texas twice, for a total of 2 1/2 years, AND I bake at least 2 desserts a week (I really need to post more) but I had no idea what a Texas sheet cake was. An official Texas Sheet cake? So I did a bit of research by way of checking out the Homesick Texan blog. If she didn't have a recipe then who would?
Luck for me she did! I looked at the picture and thought, "Wow that looks just like my Grandma's Chocolate Brownie" (very cake-ish, but always called brownie). Then as I read her great description I thought, "that sounds JUST like it". And finally as I got to her recipe I realized my Grandma's Chocolate Brownie recipe IS Texas Sheet cake. My recipe varies from Homesick Texans a bit, most noticeably in the lack of Cinnamon in mine. So it turns out I DID have a recipe to share and I've been making it my whole life!
I remember in High School I made this so often I had it down to 10 mins, that is until I made a batch without baking soda, and then I realized speed wasn't the most important part. I have a ton of memories making this with my friend Corey after church dances. In fact Corey and I both thought the other person had put in the baking soda and so neither of us claim error in that instance. No my husband has always complained that this isn't a brownie but a cake. So I guess it turns out he's right! I hadn't made this in year, but after reminiscing I had to make a batch. I got a few slices, but my husband ate at least 2/3rd of the batch himself! So I guess he likes it! Anyway, go read the story and description on Homesick Texans blog, then pick a recipe (cinnamon or no cinnamon) and make yourself a batch. I've always loved it with Mint chocolate chip ice cream!

Texas Sheet Cake
1 Cube Butter
1 C Water
1/2 C Oil
4 Tbs. Cocoa
2 C sugar
2 C flour
1/2 Butter milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
Mix sugar and flour, in sauce pan boil Butter, water oil and cocoa add to sugar/flour
Mix in buttermilk eggs, vanilla and soda. Pour into a greased pan (I always grew up using a Jelly roll pan, but you can use a 9x13 too) cook 20 min at 350, let cool a few mins, then pour on the frosting.
1 Cube Butter
1/2 C milk
3 Tbs. Cocoa
1 Lbs Powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Boil Butter, milk and cocoa mix with the sugar. Once smooth add vanilla. Pour over cake while it's still warm.