This is Jan 05, for a boy's birthday. My favorite thing about this cake you can't even see! I made each cake a different height! It was 3-D in a way. AND the frosting was this GREAT marshmallow frosting recipe I have. MMMmmmmmm!
Here is a Castle cake I did for my daughter. Most of what I would change is to use a better buttercream recipe. The one I used for this was SO disgusting, like eating raw butter with a bit of sugar! AND I would use different tips to decorate, rather than candy. I got the idea from Familyfun. My little boy ate all the blue jello (the "moat") and I learned something new! Any thing containing lots of blue dye will change the color of your poop to an extreme, almost florescent, green (and dye the diaper wearing 2 year old's bottom green for a week) , no matter how young or old you are!