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I'm Topsy Turvy

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topsy turvy cakes

July 11, 2007

Cake Background

I started decorating cakes as soon as I had children! I started looking for cute ways to decorate their birthday cakes. Then my sister took an official class and learned so much and could DO so much I just had to learn. So in the fall of 2005 I took all the classes I could and just fell in love. I did my first wedding cake December of 05 and started teaching classes in the summer of 06. We just completed a move and I'm trying to decided if I should go back to teaching or not, and if I want to branch out and make wedding and fancy birthday cakes for a side hobby, or just keep it to the occaional family wedding and my kids birthdays. So basically this blog will be my cakes past, present and future. This first bit will be alot of pictures of cakes past.